Photograph by
Thomas Annan of Glasgow (1829-1887)
Barshaw House (now flats) is situated at the
back of Barshaw Park in the east end of Paisley.
It was built in the early 1800s by Robert Smith,
and later reconstructed by wealthy Paisley
businessman James Arthur. The Glasgow University
Arthur Bursary was instituted in 1892 by Jane
Arthur of Barshaw (1827-1907), a prominent
campaigner for women's suffrage. In 1873 she
became the first woman to stand for and be
elected to a school board when she was chosen to
serve on the Paisley board. Their son was Sir
Matthew Arthur, Lord Glenarthur (1852-1928).

The estate was sold to Paisley Town Council in
1911, with the park officially opening the
following year.
On 30 November 1914, the Paisley Daily
Express reported:
At (the) last fortnightly meeting of the
Committee held in the Council Chambers - with Mr
John McCallum in the chair - the secretary
reported that the £1,000 voted by the Committee
at its last meeting had been sent to the
Commission for Relief in Belgium through the
Belgian Consul in Glasgow and read a letter from
the Belgian Consul-General in London thanking the
generous donors of Paisley.
The mansion house became an infirmary, and
in1917 a military hospital for wounded soldiers.
Paisley Town Council then opened Barshaw
Hospital as a maternity and child welfare unit in
1921 (giving birth to the well known Paisley
phrase "were you born in a park ?"). It
was transferred to the National Health Service in
1948 as Barshaw Maternity Hospital and was under
the Board of Management for Paisley and District
Hospitals until 1974 when it was placed in the
Renfrew District of Argyll and Clyde Health
A mother's momentos
from a birth at Barshaw

It closed as a maternity hospital in 1959 and
reopened as a geriatric hospital in 1961.
From ThePeerage.com
Thomas Glen Arthur married Elizabeth Winthrop
Coats, daughter of Sir James Coats, 1st Bt. and
Sarah Ann Auchincloss, on 26 September 1888. He
died on 2 February 1907. Thomas Glen Arthur lived
at Barshaw, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
Barshaw House following conversion

Millar A H (1889) The castles and
mansions of Renfrewshire and Buteshire
The mansion of Barshaw stands about a mile and
a-half to the east of Paisley, and its commanding
tower attracts the attention of the tourist who
travels from Glasgow by rail in that direction.
The oldest portion of the building was erected
early in the present century by the then
proprietor, Mr. Robert Smith; but after it was
acquired by the late Mr. James Arthur, he made
extensive additions to it, and entirely
re-constructed the interior. The alterations then
made have had the effect of transforming what was
a plain and commodious country residence into a
magnificent mansion-house. One of the main
features of the new building is the large
James Arthur of Barshaw, by whom these
alterations were made, merits some notice as one
of the most successful Glasgow merchants of
modern times. He was born at Paisley in 1819),
and entered into business there at an early age.
His first venture having been eminently
successful, he soon removed to Glasgow, where he
found a much wider field for the exercise of his
mercantile ability than was afforded by his
native town. About forty years ago he entered
into partnership with the late Mr. Hugh Fraser,
and founded a drapery establishment- at the
corner of Buchanan Street and Argyll Street,
Glasgow, under the designation of Arthur &
Fraser. The business was rapidly extended and
additional accommodation provided, until the
warehouse in Argyll Street, which had once been
amply sufficient for its requirements, had
developed into an extensive block of buildings.
The firm still exists in a flourishing condition,
under the style of Fraser, Sons & Co.; but
Mr. Arthur's connection with the firm ceased many
years ago.
In 1860 he founded the wholesale drapery
business of Arthur & Company, which has since
become one of the largest concerns of the kind in
the kingdom. Its development was principally
accomplished through the untiring energy,
activity, and business capacity of Mr. Arthur;
and his enterprising spirit led him to open up
new commercial fields in various parts of the
world. Nor were his efforts confined to one
department of commercial enterprise: he was one
of the founders of Young's Paraffin Company, and
was deeply interested in the " Loch Line
" of ships trading to Australia, and in the
famous " Clan Line " of steamers. He
was, for many years, a prominent Member of the
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, and was deeply
interested in the progress of that city. Mr.
Arthur was actively engaged in business up till
the time of his death, which took place on 17th
June, 1885. The estate is now in the possession
of his widow, Mrs. Jane Arthur.